Celebrating Raya at Home with The Wave We Love

Wave represents the ocean and is part of the great depths and horizons. Being the constant motion of life, the wave symbolises emotions and creativity. Following the inspiration, we designed...

Celebrating Raya at Home with The Wave We Love
  by Aydin W

With the temperatures climbing, the sun shining and Hari Raya coming up, it gets us thinking about a sunny escape to the seaside with the family. Because for us, home is where the wave is.

But with the travel restrictions in response to the pandemic, we’ve only been able to fantasize the feeling of waves splashing against our skin and the ocean breeze blowing our hair. Hence, this collection is presented to you with the sea as our main source of inspiration. In other words, we want to bring the calming effect of the beach for you to celebrate Raya at home, one wave at a time.

Wave represents the ocean and is part of the great depths and horizons. Being the constant motion of life, the wave symbolises emotions and creativity. Following the inspiration, we designed the Wave print to embody movements and motions, supported by the loose and flowy silhouette of each piece.

This collection is ranging inclusively from products suitable for women, men, to kids and providing comfort seamlessly for any activities and occasions. The color combination of white and blue speaks serenity to the dreamer who wears it.

This is the Wave We Love.

Explore the collection and get ready to prepare and celebrate Raya festivities from the comfort of your own home.

“Dance with the waves, move with the sea. Let the rhythm of the water, set your soul free.”

— Christy Ann Martine

  by Aydin W
